Michelle Irving is a speaker, visionary, and entrepreneur.
Michelle Irving is a pioneer in chronic illness and leadership space, known for her transformative approach to balancing work and chronic health conditions. As the founder of Career and Chronic for professional women and Chronic Illness At Work for organisations, Michelle’s innovative companies provides a New Way Forward for managing your ambitions and your health.
With over 18 years of experience navigating her own autoimmune condition and a successful career, Michelle combines lived experience with professional expertise teaching you how to manage your career while living with chronic illness. Her private mentoring and group programs are designed to help individuals flourish in their chosen fields, offering practical strategies for sensitive conversations, healthy professional boundaries, and aligning ambition with personal health needs. Michelle’s work is supported by her extensive training in somatic therapy, cancer survivorship, and women’s leadership.
Through Career and Chronic, Michelle is guiding the you to flourish in your career dreams and in ways that work for your body.

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